FOCUS Wellness and Recovery Hub
Who are FOCUS?
FOCUS are a part of the NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service. The Hub is staffed by trained nurses, lived experience workers, outreach workers and administration staff.
At the FOCUS Hub no appointments are required and you will be greeted with a warm welcome!
Who is the service for?
The service is for people aged 18 years and over who are looking for support and advice on ways in which to deal with their drug and alcohol use and how to reduce its effects on their health and wellbeing.
Where are FOCUS based?
The FOCUS Wellness and Recovery Community Hub can be found at Shirley Road, Dumfries DG2 0ED Tel: 01387 244555
FOCUS can offer the following services:
Naloxone training
Blood Borne Virus Testing
Harm Reduction Advice
Sexual Health Advice
STI Testing or Referral and Contraception
Mental and Physical Health Advice
Psychological Interventions including Mindfulness
Motivational Interviewing
One to One work
Access to Group Work
Preparation for and Support following Residential Rehab
Crafting Sessions
Injecting Equipment Provision and Returns
Separate Groups for Men, Women and LGBTQ+
Recovery Cafe
Advice & sign posting will be provided to other agencies locally to meet your wider needs.