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Dumfries and Galloway Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP)

Trends and Alerts

See below for the latest drug trends and alerts with harm reduction information to help keep you or someone you know safe. 


Xylazine, a non-opioid tranquiliser used in veterinary medicine It has been increasingly detected in overdoses and deaths in Scotland…

Bromazolam and Metonitazene

Public Health Scotland have notified Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) that recent results from the anonymous drug-testing project WEDINOS (based in Wales) have shown substances sold as Diazepam to contain both bromazolam and metonitazene…


Nitazenes are synthetic opioids that have been reported throughout the UK. Nitazenes are stronger than heroin, morphine or methadone and have a greater risk of leading to overdose or death…

Xylazine Wounds

Xylazine is associated with distinct, severe and rapidly progressing wounds, most commonly at injection sites or on the forearms and lower legs of people who use drugs…

If you know of any dangerous drugs circulating Dumfries and Galloway that you feel people need to be made aware of please email: or submit us an enquiry.

Your email/enquiry is confidential and will only be used for information purposes to share information on dangerous drugs in Dumfries and Galloway. Your personal details will not be shared. 

If possible please state information such as:

  • General location of incident/drug seen
  • Any adverse effects 
  • What the drug looked like